Friday, October 24, 2014

Clockwerk Corner - 9 Review

Been awhile, need to figure out a better focus for reviews:

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Clockwerk Corner Review - Corpse Bride

New video finally up!

Lets see how quickly this one gets blocked!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Video Taken Down...

...gonna file a dispute claim under 'Fair Use'. Let us see how that works out for us.

Clockwerk Corner Review - Frankenweenie

First episode of my first online series.

Will require some patching up as it goes on, of course.

EDIT: Embed Youtube videos do jack for me. :|

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pushing Back the Start

A combination of technical difficulties and personal problems is pushing back the start of my video series.

I'm sorry.

Gonna be pushing to get something out for tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ideas of Patreon

For those of the unaware, Patreon is the website where people can support others through monthly contributions. They can also donate through each production, but monthly sounds easier for all of us.

The donation rates will start pretty simple. If you want more stuff, then more money needs to be tossed in. That easy.

First rank will deal with future side videos. In short, you would get them much sooner than anyone else simply by donating. What will be these side videos? I'll tell you, of the future.

Next up would be some early content, usually behind the scene stuff that will let you know what to expect with each new review. Could be a line from the script. Could be a recorded pic from the review itself. Who can say except me? Previous rank benefits are included as well

Next is your name at the end of the credits for each video. How about that. Still getting the rewards from the previous rankings.

Onto the next rank, which actually deals with the first rank: a riffing series! For the unaware, I will look at a short animated video (usual public domain) and give out some interesting commentary on the piece. Those who pay in this rank get to choose what I riff! They still have the benefits of the previous ranking too.

The final rank will allow the person to pick out a piece of future reviewing material. Is it a movie? A show? As long as it is animated (and I get last say in it), I'll review for you in a future episode. They'll still get the benefits of the previous three rankings, so don't worry there.

One last feature about Patreon that needs to be addressed: milestone goals.

As more people donate, I'll be able to do more stuff for the show. Better equipment, better content, more side series: there are just a few ideas I have for what I can do in return for everyone else.

Anyway, I won't start up the Patreon for awhile (at least until the start of the 2015), so that way I actually start to generate some followers. Plus, it helps to see a nice amount of product before you invest, right?

That's about it for now. Be sure to look out for my first video next week, at the start of October and the season of Halloween.