Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Progress, Ho!

Yes, there is actually progress on this. Positive.

Been preparing some materials, both hardware and software, for production. Already got the first few videos planned out, covering the month of October.

(All Halloween-inspired, of course)

Planning for December videos has also started of sorts.

(Also all Christmas inspired, unless there are some Hanukkah or Kwanzaa ones out there I haven't heard about).

November is kind of up in the air, since there isn't that many movies or shows revolved around Thanksgiving.

(There are a few I do know, but I don't want to do them all at once).

Production stuff is being delivered and should be in good condition.

Yay for online sales!

Hopefully, the actually production of videos will start next week, by that point I'll have a post up detailing my ideas and hopes using Patreon.

Short for this week, but I'm hoping for the long run.

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